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Parker Large Imprint Duofold Senior

Year: 1921
Make: Parker
Model: Large Imprint Duofold Senior
Cap: Red hard rubber
Body: Red hard rubber
Length: 5.5
Condition: good
Flaws: Chip in cap lip. Scratchs in nib. Excellent imprint

The large imprint Duofolds are both desirable and rare. This imprint is found only on the earliest versions of Duofolds, those made in 1921 and early '22. Evolved from the Jackknife Safety this Canadian, large imprint pen was, at $7.00, Parker's top-of-the-line offering. Parker jumped in with both feet promoting the new DUOFOLD name using extra large type above the well recognized Lucky Curve flag logo.

The imprint on this hard rubber pen is strong and clear. It has the wide, single cap band, a handsome stiff Duofold nib on a "Christmas Tree" feed and the early style "Big Ball" clip. (PA5296)

Nib Details:
Make: Parker Material: 14K gold Description: 14K gold
Grade: Fine Flexibility: Stiff